Amplify Recruiting Great resignation
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The Impact of the Great Resignation on Hiring and Recruiting

The Great Resignation has become an increasingly popular phenomenon in the modern workplace. The Great Resignation is when an employee voluntarily leaves their current job due to dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or other reasons. Hiring managers need to be prepared for this as the hiring and recruiting process will be impacted – especially if an employee leaves without warning and/or little notice.

It is important to plan ahead and create a contingency plan if the unthinkable happens. These two steps will help you prepare:

  1. Assess your recruitment process, make sure you are able to quickly replace departing staff members without disruption to operations or morale.
  2. Recruitment teams should take proactive measures such as developing job descriptions in advance and having a pipeline of potential candidates ready so they can move quickly when necessary. Best practice is to proactively recruit for top-notch candidates. This includes connecting with those who are not actively looking for a job.

Lessons & Opportunities

The Great Resignation can also present an opportunity for companies to reassess their hiring practices and make improvements where necessary. After all, if an executive or manager was unhappy enough to leave abruptly, it could indicate larger issues in the workplace. Hiring managers should strive to understand why an executive chose to resign and work towards eliminating any red flags or warning signs that exist in their recruitment process.  To obtain these valuable insights into the reasons behind employee departures, conduct thorough and structured exit interviews. This can be an effective way for organizations to gather data and address common issues proactively.

When someone leaves a managerial role, it is important for companies to analyze the current job market before beginning their search for new candidates. The specifics of what qualifications are needed may change from one hiring cycle to another depending on the current labor pool available.  They also need to do research on competitive pay and what benefits the candidate is looking for (i.e. culture, work from home, bonuses, etc.)

It is also essential to consider the type of position that needs to be filled, since it can have a significant impact on how quickly a replacement is found. Organizations should take steps to ensure they are taking the right approach when recruiting for this type of vacancy and that the candidate recruited will be able to excel in their new role.

From Surviving to Thriving

The Great Resignation can be a difficult process to navigate, but with the right preparation and planning it is possible to ensure that operations remain uninterrupted while finding a suitable replacement. With effective recruitment strategies in place, companies can successfully manage the impact of the Great Resignation and continue to effectively fill positions in their organization.

Businesses of all sizes can face the challenge of The Great Resignation head-on with the proper planning and preparation. This can be a daunting task, but Amplify Recruiting can help. Contact us today to ensure your next hire is the right fit for your company.