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Sales Hiring Strategy: How to Hire Top Sales Talent

Salespeople are the lifeblood of any business that wants to grow and continue to thrive. They are responsible for generating leads, nurturing prospects through the pipeline, closing deals, and boosting the company’s bottom line. However, recruiting talent and hiring top sales reps can be challenging in today’s ultra-competitive job market.

Although hiring top sales talent can be challenging and time-consuming, especially as you look forward to a new sales year, it is possible to employ a successful hiring strategy utilizing some of the best recruitment strategies:

How to Recruit Top Sales Talent

Before you can hire sales talent, you must cast your net in the right sales talent waters. This requires understanding how to recruit employees who can elevate the performance of your sales team.

1. Define Your Ideal Candidate

Identifying the traits and requirements of your ideal candidate can put you on the right hiring path. For example, how much sales experience is required? Are there unique skills needed to represent specific products or service lines or territories? What kind of personality and work ethic would enhance your company and department cultures? Utilize the job description to guide other key questions to be answered.

2. Source Candidates Via Multiple Platforms And Channels

Today, recruiting talent demands using a successful sales hiring strategy that leverages multiple platforms and channels, including job boards, employee referrals, and networking events. Reach out to qualified candidates where you are likely to attract their interest. In particular, use social media to connect with potential candidates. Share content they’ll find relevant and run targeted ads there.

PRO TIP: Don’t be afraid to look outside of your industry. Essential sales skills can often transcend industries, so look beyond the normal talent pool.

3. Screen Candidates Carefully

Once you have a pool of candidates, screen them carefully to identify those most qualified. Review their credentials, conduct preliminary phone or online video screening interviews, and give pre-employment assessments. Once you’ve identified top candidates, conduct in-depth interviews to assess their skills, experience, and motivation. Ask critical questions to help you understand the candidates’ selling style, closing skills, and ability to manage objections. Always use your Ideal Candidate profile to screen and qualify your candidates. It’s important to remember that having a great personality doesn’t necessarily indicate that one has the required skills for a specific job position.

4. Make a Competitive Offer to the Best Candidate

Once you’ve identified the best candidate, propose competitive sales compensation and benefits. Consider adding incentives such as commissions and bonuses to create a win-win outcome. Not sure what the most competitive compensation mix is? Use our compensation guides to view trends, industry benchmarks, and typical salary mix information. 

PRO TIP: Top sales talent will always be in high demand, so act quickly, or you could lose them to a competitor.

Download Amplify Recruiting’s FREE Compensation Guides

5. Consider Using a Recruiting Agency

If you’re having trouble finding acceptable candidates, consider using a recruiting agency in your sales hiring strategy. A reputable recruiting agency will have methods, systems, and resources available to bring forth a network of qualified candidates, ultimately making it possible to save time and money.

6. Onboard the New Hire

Once the candidate has accepted your offer, dedicate the effort necessary to properly onboard them. This includes providing the training and resources they need to succeed in the new role. Onboarding must also include integrating them into your department, the sales team, and your overall company culture. Use our onboarding guides to give you a head start on crafting your perfect onboarding plan.

The Bottom Line

Hiring top sales talent is essential for any business, and the time is always right to optimize your opportunities. But if you are not fully equipped to undertake recruiting talent and hiring salespeople on your own, contact Amplify Recruiting.

The Amplify team has extensive experience in sales and sales leadership and knows how to enhance your organization. Working with Amplify empowers you to leverage the strongest, most customized sales talent acquisition team possible to find your perfect sales candidate and hire sales talent. Reach out at 844-874-7253 x 4 or [email protected] or connect with us here.

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